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Thursday, May 16, 2013

APK FILES HF Scientific Calculator Pro Apk Full 5.3 ~ Free Download, Download HF Scientific Calculator apk file

HF Scientific Calculator Pro v5.3 apk download

An advanced Scientific Calculator with Graph Plotter
This is a fully featured calculator which supports matrix, complex numbers and equation solver.

>> Download Software

Note: Download open in a new link.

* No ads
* Large input/output display
* Dedicated Graph Plotter
* Advanced Unit Converter
* Complex number
* Full Matrix Support upto order of 9x9
* Simultaneous linear equation solver upto 9 variables
* Polynomial equation solver - gives both real and complex soln.
* Landscape Mode
* Calculation History
* All Trigonometric operations
* Degree, Radian, Grade
* Binary, Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal operation
* Bitwise operations
* Ten memory locations
* Results history feature
* Constants Table
* In built help (accessible via options menu)

>> Download Software

Note: Download open in a new link.


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